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There are many ways that families of English language learners (ELLs) can support language and literacy at home! Colorín Colorado’s new series of 8 tips for families is available in 16 languages.


Description: Education Minnesota and Local 1148 WSPFT support the work of social justice and anti racist practices. If you participate in this opportunity you will be reimbursed for all or part of your admission to the museum by:


The projected state budget surplus of $17.6 billion provides a once-in-lifetime opportunity for short-term investments in Minnesota students, but increased support over many budget cycles is necessary to meet the challenges facing public education, Education Minnesota President Denise Specht said Tuesday.


Friendly Hills Nurse Publishes Book on Childhood Mental Health

As the nurse at Friendly Hills Middle School, Amy Graham knows that mental health is just as important as physical health. So when her 10-year-old son struggled with depression and anxiety following the COVID pandemic, she wrote a book, "Better Than Resilient: A Journey Through Depression From a Child's Mind," about her son's experience.

"The book is written from his perspective, and details his thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms as he journeyed to (and then through) depression," Amy shares. "The book shows how he comes to a


This video includes interview excerpts from both Gubernatorial candidates sharing their views on the role of our Union in Education, as well as interviews from teachers that left WI and IA, and the statistical impacts that have happened to wages and benefits in both states as as result of electing anti-Union governors.


Public education shouldn’t be at the mercy of politics. But the reality is, elected officials are constantly weighing policies on testing, standards and funding that affect our schools, children and educators every day. Find links on Voter Information, what your ballot will look like, and more!